Archive for October, 2016


When we first put together our site all of the info was not entered in the correct order. We need our site completely reloaded with the following done.
1.Go to website
2. Use Categories in excel spread sheet.
3. Make site look identical to old site only with new info.
3. Re-enter all items (must be in exact order as excel)
4. This is how the front page of “Quickship” should look.
4.Here is an example of how after clicking the thumbnail in “Quickship” it should look .
5. Only use photos from files attached.
6. Put ( “ ) after every number in the dimensions . (Here is an example 25”)
7. Click Here for images
8.Please make sure that all items are entered in exact order of excel.
9.Please note, we loaded all info in the “Quickship” in the proper order with the Miami Side Chair first and it still shows up last. Please fix this.

Attribute data

My Brands
  1. <a href="getUrl(‘brand/index/index’) ?>”>My Brand
  2. getSavedBrandToCustomer(); ?>

$customerId = Mage::getSingleton(‘customer/session’)->getId();
$cn = Mage::getSingleton(‘core/resource’)->getConnection(‘core_read’);
$result = $cn->fetchAll(“select * from brandlinks where customer_id = ‘”.$customerId.”‘”);

$brandIds = array();
foreach($result as $ids){
$brandIds[] = $ids[‘brand_id’];
$_product = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/product’);
$attributes = Mage::getResourceModel(‘eav/entity_attribute_collection’)
->addFieldToFilter(‘attribute_code’, ‘manufacturer’);

$attribute = $attributes->getFirstItem()->setEntity($_product->getResource());
$_manufacturers = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(false);
$html = ”;
$url = Mage::getBaseUrl().’brand/index/result/id/’;
foreach($_manufacturers as $key=>$value){
$html .= ‘‘.$value[‘label’].’

return $html;